Welcome to The Lovely Brains Newsletter! I am Elizabeth Pinborough, a poet, artist, and brain injury survivor.
I believe that every brain is lovely and that every brain matters, whether healthy, injured, neurodiverse, or neurotypical. Brain injury creates a neurodiversity frame of reference, and I write with that continually developing frame.
Having a brain injury means doing a lot of online research to figure out what the heck happened and how to fix it. It also brings a ton of creative attempts to reimagine the self and the world. Poetry, art, photography are some of my native languages, and they have been indispensable tools in my neurorecovery.
Where art, neuroscience, spirituality, and the self collide, that is where The Lovely Brains Newsletter is born.
What to expect:
The Lovely Brains Newsletter brings dispatches from the frontiers of brain injury recovery to your inbox, including a beautiful mashup of art, science, and poetry.
Look for
thoughts about brain injury recovery
inspiring art, books, and media from around the web
interviews with likeminded thinkers
more of my art + poetry
basically anything that inspires your lovely brain!
In the meantime, tell your friends! I love digital, so please keep in touch on Twitter!